Construyendo los cimientos intelectuales para la futura civilización cristiana.

Seems to me

We Have Met the Enemy, and He is Us

So, the CIA gets a pass for the very real treason of secretly working to overthrow an election andthen a sitting president (Russiagate) while Trump faces an orchestrated takedown for

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Forgiving Student Loans

The supreme court recently ruled against President Biden’s attempt to cancel student loan debt. Typical of these days, the nation appears strongly divided about the decision. Some, including the president, are vocally angry. Others agree the students should…

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Merit, Morals and Race

Recently I received an email with a commentary on the causes of the deterioration of the quality of engineering these days. The author mentioned the recent Titan catastrophe. Two miles

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For a Time Such as This

4/26/2023 Miss Nohara was my 2nd grade teacher. Among many other things, I remember most that she taught me how to spell yes-ter-day and to love the American flag. I

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The Law and the Facts

3/25/2023 Marcy and I enjoy watching Perry Mason reruns, so much so that only very occasionally do we run across an episode that we have not seen before. Perry Mason

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