So, the CIA gets a pass for the very real treason of secretly working to overthrow an election andthen a

An article in the Epoch Times this morning details incidents of retaliation against conservative lawyers by the State bar associations

The supreme court recently ruled against President Biden’s attempt to cancel student loan debt. Typical of these days, the nation appears strongly divided about the decision. Some, including the president, are vocally angry. Others agree the students should…
Happy New Year?
Was January 1st that special or was it just another day? The inert part of...
The Problem of Denominations
12/15/2022 Unity in the body of Christ is a primary testimony to the world that...
God’s Law as Pedagogue
Many people say they are Christian, but are they really? God only knows for sure,...
Propaganda, the Little Platoons and the New Normal
According to Jacques Ellul, propaganda only works in a mass/individualist society. The old organic structures...
What Happened to Civility in Politics
What Happened to Civility in Politics?Roger OliverSome say that Trump's inimitable style killed political civility....
Does God use the lesser of two evils to advance His Kingdom?
Reading Deuteronomy 9 this morning, the issue of voting for the lesser of two evils...
El Ciego no tan ciego – Porque vino Jesús (Juan 9)
Por Roger Oliver, 20/12/2016 En Juan 9, el ciego sanado por Jesús muestra una sabiduría...
El problema del Orador Talentoso
Uno de los graves problemas que se enfrenta hoy en la Iglesia en el mundo...