Construyendo los cimientos intelectuales para la futura civilización cristiana.

De Piñatas y Reyes Parte IV Salomón el Sabio

El Rey Salomón, el rey sabio…¿tal vez no tanto? 1 Reyes 1-11, 2 Crónicas 1-10 Estamos estudiando la guerra espiritual por medio de un estudio de los reyes del linaje real de David. Aprendimos que la guerra espiritual no está desconectada con la vida cotidiana aquí en la tierra en la carne. Lo que sucede […]

Do You Know What Your Child is Reading?

Recently I discovered one of our junior high boys reading Albert Camus’, The Stranger. Camus was an existentialist although he claimed not to be and was surprised that people associated him with the existentialism of Sartre. Look him up in Wikipedia. The article there says Camus contributed to a philosophy known as absurdism. Absurd is […]